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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/09/29 00:12:51 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/29 04:52:05 JST
TITULO The Kidai Shooran Scroll (Tokyo Street Life in the Edo Period) (★)
AUTOR Ozawa Hiromu & Kobayashi Tadashi
ISBN 978-4-86658-132-3
NOTA (★)(英文版「´熈代勝覧´の日本橋 活気にあふれた江戸の町」)(´The Kidai Shooran´ is a magnificent painted Japanese scroll, an artistic rendering of one of the most iconic streets of Edo (as Tokyo was then called) at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It covers five blocks of the main shopping thoroughfare leading south from the Imagawabashi Bridge to the bridge at Nihonbashi. /Though it is believed to have been painted by a well-known artist, its provenance is shrouded in mystery. But over its more than 12-meter length, the artist has given us an almost cinematic look at urban life during the Edo period. More than 1,600 people are depicted here, coming from every walk of society, from samurai to student, hairdressers, minstrels, and geisha. Their activities are portrayed in rich and loving detail : here a young pilgrim receives alms, there a blind masseur rushes to his next appointment, on the other side of the street, a construction crew raises the framing that will become a new shop.  ◆Ozawa Hiromu received a Master´s Degree in Literature from the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University, and later completed his doctorate. He is a professor of Japanese and Japanese Culture at Chofu Gakuen Junior College. He is currently a professor and director at the Research Center of Edo-Tokyo Urban History at the Edo-Tokyo Museum, focusing on Japanese culture and Japanese art history. Kobayashi Tadashi received a Master´s Degree in Art History from the Graduate School of Humanities, the University of Tokyo. He was formerly a professor, the Faculty of Letters, Gakushuin University. He is now director at the Okada Museum of Art. His research subjects are centered around Japanese art history.)


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