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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/09/29 00:19:04 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/08 22:00:42 JST
TITULO The Legacy of Kano Jigoro (Judo and Education) (š)
AUTOR The Committee for the Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jigoro Kano
ISBN 978-4-86658-136-1
NOTA (š)(‰p•¶”Å)(‹CŠT‚Æs“®‚Ì‹³ˆçŽÒ@‰Ã”[Ž¡ŒÜ˜Y, Translated by Tom Kain)(The founder of judo, KANO Jigoro, is a highly revered figure among practitioners of that art. Little is known, however, about his various other achievements, from how he laid the groundwork for sports in Japanese education to his immense devotion and commitment to bringing the Olympic Games to Japan.@^Born in 1860, Kano showed his intelligence from an early age and studied hard even as a child. After graduating from the prestigious Tokyo Imperial University, he embarked on a teaching career that eventually led him to become the headmaster of the Tokyo Higher Normal School for 23 years. This was just one of the many roles he undertook ; in addition, he was chairman of the Japan Amateur Sports Association and became the first Asian member on the International Olympic Committee. Throughout all these activities, he never stopped developing and promoting his creation, the martial art of judo.@^This comprehensive biography, written by a team of experts and researchers, sheds new light on the many dimensions of the legendary KANO Jigoro. It depicts how he truly lived his life to the fullest by embodying the principles of Lseiryoku zen-yoL and Ljita kyoeiL --utilizing oneLs energy as efficiently as possible and directing oneLs efforts to benefit both oneself and society.@ŸThe Committee for the Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jigoro Kano compiled and published this book to give readers an illuminating introduction to KANO JigoroLs life, achievements, and philosophies. The contributors are as follows.@TODO Yoshiaki^YAMAGUCHI Kaori^OTANI Susumu^SANADA Hisashi^OKUMA Hiroaki^ITO Junro^MURATA Naoki^NAGAKI Kosuke^Andreas Niehaus^GOTO Mitsumasa^OKADA Hirotaka^WADA Koichi^AE Michiyoshi^)


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