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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/09/29 00:46:25 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/15 03:49:25 JST
TITULO Population and the Japanese Economy (Longevity, Innovation, and Economic Growth) (š)
AUTOR Yoshikawa Hiroshi
ISBN 978-4-86658-056-2
NOTA (š)(Translated by Charles Stewart)(ulŒû‚Æ“ú–{ŒoÏA’·ŽõAƒCƒmƒx[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“AŒoϬ’·(‰p•¶”Å)v)(Japan, a country where population decline is progressing and the number of workers is decreasing. While the fiscal deficit continues to expand, rural regions are in a crisis of disappearance. IsnLt the decline of the nation already inevitable? Versus such preconceptions, economics which has struggled with population issues over many years responds LNo!L Innovation holds the key to economic growth, and the fact that Japan is one of the worldLs leading longevity societies poses an opportunity. This book sweeps away the Lpopulation decline pessimismL that has spread throughout Japan and approaches the real issues of the Japanese economy.@ŸYOSHIKAWA Hiroshi (‹gì—m) is the president of Rissho University. He was born in Tokyo in 1951, received his B.A. from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Economics and his Ph.D. from Yale University, and subsequently taught as an assistant professor at the State University of New York (Albany), an associate professor at the Institute of Social and Economic Research at Osaka University, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, and a professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Economics. Yoshikawa specializes in macro-economics and the Japanese economy.@¥CONTENTS^@œCHAPTER 1 : ECONOMICS AND POPULATION^The population of Japan^The population of China^The world population^The problem of excess population^The Lpopulation explosionL in modern Europe^EconomistsL view of population^LAn Essay on the Principle of PopulationL by Robert Malthus^The principle of population^Quantitative methods^Dispute concerning the terms of trade^Does human society progress?^KeynesL LEconomic Consequences of the PeaceL^LSome Economic Consequences of a Declining PopulationL^The Devil P, the Devil U^In Sweden^The origin of childcare support@œCHAPTER 2 : POPULATION DECLINE AND THE JAPANESE ECONOMY^Will Japan disappear?^Social security for a super-aged society^The danger of financial collapse^Why do JapanLs fiscal deficits continue expanding?^Will municipalities disappear?^Urban population rankings in the Meiji period^What determines economic growth is not population^The role of innovation^Soft technological advancement^The high economic growth era^The mechanism of high growth^Will AI and IT steal peopleLs jobs?^The LThird Industrial RevolutionL and Industry 4.0@œCHAPTER 3 : THE FRUIT CALLED LONGEVITY^The decline in birthrates in industrialized nations^Changes in JapanLs birthrate^The extension of life expectancy^Changes in average life expectancy in Japan^Life expectancy before World War II^The neoliberal perspective on life expectancy^The experience of postwar Japan^Establishment of the National Health Insurance system^The Gini coefficient^The Llevel of richnessL of the super-rich^The Gini coefficient of life expectancy@œCHAPTER 4 : WHAT DOES ECONOMICS MEAN FOR PEOPLE?^Economics and luxury^The activity level of a nationLs economy : Measurement of GDP^An incomplete but useful index^What is economic growth?^Saturation of demand^EngelLs Law^Downward pressure on mature economies^Product innovation^KeynesL expectations for the future^MillLs zero-growth theory^The theory of happiness of a stationary state^Growth or equality?^Is economic growth necessary?^The benefits of economic growth^The role of entertainment^The limits and lifespans of innovations^The future of the Japanese economy^)


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