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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/09/29 00:50:02 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/02 00:46:28 JST
TITULO The Era of Great Disasters (Japan and Its Three Major Earthquakes) (š)
AUTOR Iokibe Makoto
ISBN 978-0-472-07467-9
NOTA (š)(Translated by Tony Gonzalez)(LThe Era of Great DisastersL examines modern disaster response in Japan, from the changing earthquake preparations and regulations, to immediate emergency procedures from the national, prefectural, and city levels, and finally the evolving efforts of rebuilding and preparing for the next great disaster in the hopes of minimizing their tragic effects. This book focuses on three major earthquakes from JapanLs modern history. The first is the 1923 Great Kantoo Earthquake, which struck the capital region. The second is the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, affecting the area between Kobe and Osaka. The third is the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the magnitude 9.0 quake that struck off the Pacific coast of the Toohoku region, causing a devastating tsunami and the nuclear accident. While the events of (and around) each of these earthquakes are unique, Professor Iokibe brings his deep expertise and personal experience to each disaster, unveiling not only the disasters themselves but the humanity underneath. In each case, he gives attention and gratitude to those who labored to save lives and restore the communities affected, from the individuals on the scene to government officials and military personnel and emergency responders, in hope that we might learn from the past and move forward with greater wisdom, knowledge, and common purpose.@ŸIokibe Makoto is Chancellor of the University of Hyogo and President of the Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute. He is also Professor Emeritus of Japanese political and diplomatic history, Kobe University and Former President of the National Defense Academy of Japan. After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Professor Iokibe was appointed Chairperson of the Reconstruction Design Council in Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, a government-established advisory panel of scholars and experts for formulating governmental reconstruction guidelines. Following the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, he served as Chairperson of the Expert Group for Reconstruction and Recovery from the Kumamoto Earthquake. Among his many publications, his volume LNichibei kankei-shi (2008)L has recently been translated for the Japan Library series and published as LThe History of US-Japan Relations : From Perry to the Present (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)L.@„CONTENTS^@œINTRODUCTION^@œONE^THE GREAT KANTO EARTHQUAKE,@œTWO^THE GREAT HANSHIN-AWAJI EARTHQUAKE,@œTHREE^THE GREAT EAST JAPAN EARTHQUAKE (1) : Ground Zero,@œFOUR^THE GREAT EAST JAPAN EARTHQUAKE (2) : Response by Japanese Society and the Government,@œFIVE^LIVING IN AN AGE OF SEISMIC ACTIVITY^)


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