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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/09/29 01:01:00 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/09 00:04:04 JST
TITULO The Story of JapanLs Ohmi Merchants (The Precept of Sanpo-yoshi) ()
AUTOR Kunitoshi Suenaga
ISBN 978-4-86658-057-9
NOTA ()(Translated by Larry Greenberg)(uߍ]lw--CSŘuO悵v(p)v)(From its very origins, Ohmi was a highly developed region bordering Kyoto, the center of political power. For that reason, Ohmi is closely tied to the history of political, cultural, social and economic development in Kyoto, and therefore Japan as a whole.@^Ancient Ohmi was first developed by immigrants from the Korean Peninsula and China and was a vital crossing point connecting Kyoto with eastern Japan. The intersection of the Nakasendo Road and the Tokaido Road was located within its borders. The vital traffic of people and goods led to the early development of organizations and individuals engaged in the concentrated delivery of vast quantities of products.@^Ohmi merchants can be considered the very source of Japanese-style management. The key concepts that they developed underpinned the success of Japanese corporations for generations. These include core concepts such as Sanpo-yoshi or Lthree-way satisfactionL and corporate social responsibility (CSR), considering a third-person perspective, being a member of society, a healthy tension with society, customer satisfaction, contribution to society, the social consciousness of Lgood for the worldL, appropriate profits, avoid waste and give your all, the spirit of the peddler, faith and devotion, talent and innovation, leveraging information and investing in startup ventures.@^Inspirational and practical, this book is full of useful ideas and methods that have helped Japanese corporations and individuals achieve success for generations. It is recommended for any student of business or anyone who wants to dig deep into the historical background that helped Japanese companies overcome adversity and acieve greatness.@Kunitoshi SUENAGA (iI) was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1943 and grew up in Saga Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at Doshisha University, he received his doctorate in economic research from the Graduate School of Economics at the same university. Holding the title Doctor of Economics, he served as a professor at the Faculty of Economics at Kyoto Sangyo University and went on to become a professor in the Faculty of Economics at Doshisha University. Currently, he is an emeritus professor at Doshisha University and the director of the Ohmi Merchant Local Museum (Foundation).@CONTENTS^@PREFACE : THE HISTORY OF THE OHMI REGION AND THE RISE OF THE OHMI MERCHANTS@CHAPTER 1 : LTHREE-WAY SATISFACTIONL AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR)^SECTION 1 : The Spirit of Sanpo-yoshi --Three-Way Satisfaction (1.Considering a Third-Person Perspective)^(2.Born from Ancient Trading Practices)^(3.The Will of Nakamura Jihei Sogan)^(4.Being a Member of Society)^@SECTION 2 : THE SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS OF LGOOD FOR THE WORLDL)^(1.A Healthy Tension with Society)^(2.Relevance to Modern Economics)^(3.Relevance to Modern Management)^(4.Customer Satisfaction)^(5.Contribution to Society)^(6.Social Awareness and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR))^@CHAPTER 2 : THE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OF OHMI MERCHANTS^@SECTION 1 : The Edo Period and the Hometowns of the Ohm Merchants^(1.Society in the Edo Period)^(2.The Hometowns of the Ohmi Merchants)^(3.The Hachiman and Takashima Merchants)^(4.Hino Merchants)^(5.The Koto Merchants)^@SECTION 2 : Management Methods and Business Models^(1.Itinerant Trading)^(2.Merchant Unions)^(3.Regional Product Rotation)^(4.Organizational Accounting)^(5.Branch Stores, Leaf Stores and LNoriai-akinaiL Joint Ventures)^(6.The LZaisho-noboriL Homecoming System)^@CHAPTER 3 : LIFE HISTORY OF THE ENTREPRENEUR ITO CHUBEI^@SECTION 1 : Itinerant Trading^(1.The Beginnings of General Trading Companies)^(2.Expanding to Kyushu)^(3.Joint Sales with His Brother and Liquidation)^@SECTION 2 : Innovative Management^(1.Opening a Store in Osaka)^(2.Thriving Business)^(3.Selecting and Caring for Employees)^(4.Meeting System)^(5.Dividing Profits Three Ways)^(6.Love for Osaka and Enmity for Kyoto)^(7.ChubeiLs Wife, Yae)^(8.The Merchant Way and Faith^@CHAPTER 4 : MANAGEMENT INSIGHTS FROM THE OHMI MERCHANTS^@SECTION 1 : Insights from Management Philosophy^(1.Sanpo-yoshi and the Awareness of Being an Outsider)^(2.Appropriate Profits)^(3.Avoid Waste and Give Your All)^(4.The Determination to Start a Business)^(5.The Spirit of the Peddler)^(6.Faith and Devotion)^(7.Social Contribution by Corporations)^(8.Customer Satisfaction)^(9.Corporate Social Responsibility)^(10.Disposing of Debts, LOrei-shomonL and LShusse-shomonL)^(11.LConstruction During FamineL and LHelping ConstructionL)^@SECTION 2 : Insights from Management Methods^(1.Forced Dismissal of a Merchant House Head)^(2.Talent and Innovation)^(3.Leveraging Information)^(4.Investing in Startup Ventures)^(5.Profitability and Corporate Value)^(6.Enhancing Corporate Governance)^(7.Strength in Technological Development and Creative Innovation)^(8.Innovations in Funding)^@SECTION 3 : Insights from the Roles of Management^(1.The Roles Played by the MerchantsL Wives)^(2.The LShiofumiL Training of Young Women)^(3.Enjoying Culture)^(4.The Perspective of Management and Downsizing)^(5.The Twilight Years of Founders)^(6.The Failure of Longstanding Businesses and the Quality of Managers)^(7.Developing Human Resources)^(8.Teaching across Three Generations)^@SECTION 4 : Insights from History^(1.Merchants and Daimyo Lords)^(2.The Sakuradamon Incident)^(3.The Yokohama Gold Rush)^(4.The Bankruptcy of a Currency Exchanger)^(5.The Tenchu Panic)^(6.Ocean Voyages of the Meiji Period)^(7.Branch Stores on the Asian Continent)^(8.Immigrants from Koto in Canada)^@FINAL CHAPTER : CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY THROUGH ANONYMOUS GOOD DEEDS^)


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