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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/09/29 02:52:37 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/14 22:48:24 JST
TITULO History, Memory & Politics in Postwar Japan ()
AUTOR Iokibe Kaoru, Komiya Kazuo, Hosoya Yuuichi, (*)
ISBN 978-1-62637-877-3
NOTA (*)(Miyagi Taizoo, and the Tokyo Foundation for Policy ResearchLs Political and Diplomatic Review Project)()(Memories can be shared --or contested. Japan and Korea, just one case in point, share centuries of intertwined history, the nature of which continues to be disputed, particularly with regard to World War II.@^The authors of LHistory, Memory, and Politics in Postwar JapanL explore JapanLs historical narratives, and their impact on both domestic politics and diplomatic relations, as they have evolved from 1946 to the present. Presenting the results of more than a decade of collaborative research, their book is a rich contribution to our understanding not only of Japanese politics, but also of how the historical narratives that we embrace have far-reaching consequences.@CONTENTS^@INTRODUCTION (Iokibe Kaoru)^@1.The Yoshida Shigeru Years : Coming to Terms with the Issues of Historical Memory (Takeda Tomoki)^@2.The Satoo Eisaku Years : Historical Memory in a Time of Rapid Economic Growth (Murai Ryoota)^@3.The Nakasone Yasuhiro Years : Historical Memory in Foreign Policy (Satoo Susumu)^@4.The Rift Between Okinawa and the Japanese Mainland : Historical Memory and Political Space (Taira Yoshitoshi)^@5.Is Reconciliation Possible? The Outlook for Japan-China, Japan-Korea, and Japan-United States Relations (Hosoya Yuuichi, Kawashima Shin, Nishino Jun-ya, and Watanabe Tsuneo)^@6.Historical Memory and International Relations in East Asia : The Abe Statement in Retrospect (Hosoya Yuuichi, Kawashima Shin, Nishino Jun-ya, and Watanabe Tsuneo)^@7.Historical Memory and International History : A Guide for Further Reading (Hosoya Yuuichi)^@8.Key Sources on the Postwar Era (Komiya Kazuo)^@Postscript (Miyagi Taizoo)^)


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