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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2021/07/28 22:34:57 JSTLastUpdate:2021/07/28 22:34:57 JST
TITULO The Book of Kimono (The Complete Guide to Style and Wear) ()
AUTOR Norio Yamanaka
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 0-87011-500-6
NOTA ()(LSA-104L y LSA-189L son mismos libros con tapa blanda.^@Titulo original : ̖{^@How to select and wear kimono, obi and accessories for all occasions.^@From gorgeous bridal kimono to kimono in subdued designs and quiet colors for everyday wear, the intriguing aspect of the kimono is that it always seems so correct.^@Textiles carefully crafted by traditional and modern methods --many now world famous-- contribute to this sense of correctness, as does the widely admired sense of color and design. Of no less importance is the way the kimono is worn.^@This book makes available for the first time the basic knowledge and vocabulary of how to select and put on the kimono and obi, even by oneself.^@Whether for women or men, all kimono are cut and sewn essentially from a single pattern, but a number of variations must be considered, depending on the occasion. Guidelines are given to making these choices, and the way to dress in a kimono, from preliminaries to tying the bustle sash, is described in detail and fully illustrated. For women, there are formal kimono, obi and accessories, and the lightweight summer LyukataL; for men, the yukata and the ceremonial ensemble of kimono, haori coat and hakama skirt. ChildrenLs kimono for festive events are also described.^@Kimono fashions have evolved over the centuries in response to varied influences. Today modern innovations are making the wearing of kimono at home and elsewhere an attractive alternative to Western garments. These are included here, along with a discussion of aesthetics, the history of the kimono, and the meaning that kimono culture can have for wearers and admirers throughout the world.^@Norio Yamanaka was born in Shiga Prefecture in 1928. In 1964 he founded the Soodoo Kimono Academy, the first institute of its kind to encourage the wearing of JapanLs national dress in everyday life. His philosophy is that wearing the kimono properly depends as much on the personLs inner nature as on the garment itself. His movement has spread throughout Japan and more than 5 million people have been taught how to wear the kimono under the tutelage of the 50 thousand consultants the academy has graduated.^@Mr. Yamanaka was appointed chairman of the All-Japan Kimono Consultants Association when it was formed in 1969. He is the author of several books on the kimono in Japanese, and since 1970 he has annually led delegations of more than a hundred members each, traveling to 45 countries in Asia, Europe and North and South America to promote international understanding of the kimono. In 1980 and 1982 he was invited to United Nations Headquarters in New York, where he lectured and gave demonstrations on the theme of the kimono and JapanLs spiritual culture.^@CONTENTS^@A Brief History (From Neolithic times to the present)@The Kimono (Weaving and dyeing, The parts of the kimono, Standard size, Formal kimono)@The Haori and Accessories (Outer garments, Undergarments, Footwear, Accessories)@The Obi (Obi development, Kinds of obi, Obi bows)@Putting on Kimono and Obi (Preparation, Half-collar, Tabi, Undershirt and half-slip, Body pads, Full-length under-kimono, Kimono, Obi, Proper kimono appearance)@Kimono for Men and Children (Kimono for men, Putting on kimono and haori, Putting on the hakama, Kimono for children)@Kimono Care (Cleaning, Folding)@Kimono Etiquette (Posture and movement)^@Appendix : The Family Crest)


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