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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2022/08/03 22:15:41 JSTLastUpdate:2022/08/16 04:29:02 JST
TITULO Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy (from Serendipity to Cure) (š)
AUTOR Honjo Tasuku
ISBN 978-4-86658-176-7
NOTA (š)((‰p•¶”Å)u‚ª‚ñ–Ɖu—Ö@‚Ƃ͉½‚©v^@Translated by Andrew Gonzalez^@Cancer immunotherapy with anti-PD-1 antibodies has fundamentally changed the way we think about cancer treatment. As HONJO Tasuku traces the arc of his research from a serendipitous discovery to the development of a revolutionary therapy, he engages in a wide ranging discussion of the marvels of biological phenomena, the thrill of life scienceLs explorations of the unknown, the nature of life itself, and the future of Japanese healthcare. In the preface to the English edition, Dr. Honjo shares his thoughts about how we should grapple with life in the time of COVID-19 and offers a message to the next generation. Included at the end of the book is the transcript of Dr. HonjoLs Nobel Prize banquet speech.^@ŸHonjo Tasuku [–{Ž—C] : Born in Kyoto in 1942. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, and completing his doctorate at the universityLs Graduate School of Medicine, he went on to positions such as Fellow at the Carnegie Institution of Washington ; Visiting Fellow at the National Institutes of Health in the United States ; Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo ; Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at both Osaka University and Kyoto University. He currently serves as Deputy Director-General and Distinguished Professor of the Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study as well as Director of the Center for Cancer Immunotherapy and Immunobiology at Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine. Dr. Honjo is a winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.^@¥CONTENTS^@œCHAPTER 1 : THE MARVEL OF IMMUNITY^General Rules of Biological Systems^Characteristics of Multicellular Organisms^How Immunity Works^Principles of Acquired Immunity^Specificity and Regulation^Overall Regulation of Immunity@œCHAPTER 2 : CURING CANCER WITH ANTI-PD-1 ANTIBODIES^Cancer Immunotherapy : The Birth of a Revolutionary Treatment^Advancements in Immunology and the History of Cancer Immunotherapy^The History of Anti-PD-1 Antibody Therapy Research and Development^Future Issues in Anti-PD-1 Antibody Therapy^The Importance of Basic Research : Thinking about the Relationship between Academia and Business@œCHAPTER 3 : WHAT IS LIFE?^The Biology of Happiness^Genome Imperialism^Mechanisms that Transcend the Limits of the Genome : Fluidity^Mechanisms that Transcend the Limits of the Genome : Spatiotemporal Hierarchy^Immune Memories Engraved into the Genome^Inner Infinity : The Ever-Growing Number of Species^Birth, Aging, Illness, Death^Cancer : An Agonizing Conflict between Cells and the Individual^The Long Road to Understanding the Mind^The Future of Life Science@œCHAPTER 4 : BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN SOCIETY^The Place of Life Science Today^Between Life Science and Healthcare^Social Implementation of Medicine and Life Science^Investment in Medical Research^Competition in Biomedical Science Research^Enhancing the PublicLs Understanding of Biomedical Science@œCHAPTER 5 : THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE OF JAPANESE HEALTHCARE^The 21st Century Medical Forum^Maintaining the National Health Insurance Program^Changes in the Healthcare Environment and Associated Issues^Is There Really a Shortage of Doctors?^End-of-Life Care and Views on Life and Death^From Treatment to Prevention)


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