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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2023/10/09 23:15:47 JSTLastUpdate:2023/10/09 23:15:47 JST
TITULO Master DogenLs Zazen Meditation Handbook (š)
AUTOR (translated by Shohaku Okumura and Taigen Daniel Leighton)
ISBN 978-4-8053-1692-4
NOTA (š)(A Translation of Eihei DogenLs Bendoowa : A Discourse on the Practice of Zazen^@with a commentary by Zen Master Kooshoo Uchiyama Roshi^@Written in 1231, these timeless and poetically profound observations are an essential work for Buddhists, meditation practitioners and those seeking a more mindful path.^@This definitive translation and edition includes critical insights by renowned Zen teacher and meditation master Kooshoo Uchiyama Roshi. His cleareyed commentary touches on the fusion of the physical and spiritual that lies at the heart of Zen practice. Those seeking a deeper understanding of Zen practice and the benefits of meditation will see why Bendoowa has become a classic of world spiritual literature.^@ŸEihei Doogen (1200-1253) was the founder of the Sootoo Zen school in Japan. A prolific writer, his masterwork, the 95-chapter LTreasure of the True Dharma Eye (Shooboogenzoo)L --of which Bendoowa comprises the opening chapter-- is considered one of the seminal works in Buddhist literature and a classic among religious and spiritual writings.@ŸKooshoo Uchiyama Roshi (1912-1998) was one of the great Zen masters of the twentieth century. A Sootoo priest, origami master and abbot of Antai-ji temple near Kyoto, he was the author of more than 20 books on Zen Buddhism and origami, including the classic work LOpening the Hand of Thought : Foundations of Zen Buddhist PracticeL.)@


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