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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2023/12/03 02:36:05 JSTLastUpdate:2023/12/10 04:12:27 JST
TITULO History of Innovative Entrepreneurs in Japan (š)
AUTOR Takeo Kikkawa
ISBN 978-981-19-9453-1
NOTA (š)(This open access book introduces more than twenty of JapanLs leading innovative entrepreneurs from the 17th century to the present. The author outlines the innovative business models created by entrepreneurs including SoftBankLs Masayoshi Son, Fast Retailing (Uniqlo)Ls Tadashi Yanai, HondaLs Soichiro Honda, SonyLs Akio Morita, PanasonicLs Konosuke Matsushita, and ToyotaLs Kiichiro Toyoda, as well as their predecessors including Takatoshi Mitsui of Mitsui Zaibatsu, Shibusawa Eiichi of Daiichi Bank.^@While introducing the innovators, the author also raises three broader questions : 1.Why did Japan industrialize earlier than any other country outside Europe and the United States? 2.Why was Japan able to realize unsurpassed economic growth between the 1910s and the 1980s? 3.Why has JapanLs economy stagnated for more than 30 years since the 1990s? Drawing upon analytical concepts including SchumpeterLs breakthrough innovation, KirznerLs incremental innovation, and ChristensenLs disruptive innovation, the author contends that JapanLs successes were based on unique and systematic breakthrough innovation and an accumulation of incremental innovation, while it later fell victim to a combination of breakthrough innovation from advanced countries and disruptive innovation by developing nations.^@ŸTakeo Kikkawa is Professor at the International University of Japan and Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo and Hitotsubashi University.^@¥CONTENTS^@¡PART I : THE ERA OF BREAKTHROUGH INNOVATIONS^@OVERVIEW I : EDO PERIOD^@œCASE 1. ZEN-EMON KONOIKE : Successive Innovations Impacting the Nationwide Market (The Konoike Family Tree^Development of Clear Sake and Its Shipment to Edo^The Beginning of (KonoikeLs) Water Transport Business^Expansion into Financing and Lending to Daimyo^LFinancial StatementL and Double-Entry Bookkeeping^The Konoike Family After the Meiji Restoration@œCASE 2. TAKATOSHI MITSUI : New Business Opportunities and the Retail Revolution (Brief Biography of Takatoshi Mitsui^Groundbreaking Nature of LTanasaki UriL (Store-Front Sales)^The Ground-Breaking Nature of Takatoshi MitsuiLs Retail Innovation^Introduction of the Joint Ownership System@œCASE 3. GENZAEMON NAKAI : A Regional Merchant Thriving on the National Stage (The Rise of Omi Merchant^The Nakai Family Tree^Epoch-Making Nature of the Nakai Management Style^The Limits of the Nakai Family and Their Background@œDISCUSSION POINT 1 : Early Modern or Pre-Modern? (The LNoveltiesL of the Edo Period^Matao MiyamotoLs LEdo Period Early ModernL Theory^Prerequisites for Japanese EconomyLs Early Takeoff^@OVERVIEW 2 : FROM PORT OPENING TO POST RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR PERIOD (JapanLs Encounter with Global Capitalism^Accumulation of Capital and Labor^Industrial Revolution in Japan^Three Types of Businessmen@œCASE 4. HIKOJIRO NAKAMIGAWA : Zaibatsu Reform by Salaried Managers (Characteristics of Japanese Zaibatsu^Brief Biography of Hikojiro Nakamigawa^Recovery of Non-performing Loans^Appointment of Salaried Managers^Industrialization Effort and Its End@œCASE 5. YATARO IWASAKI and YANOSUKE IWASAKI : Formation of Zaibatsu by Owner Managers (Brief Biography of Yataro Iwasaki^Brief Biography of Yanosuke Iwasaki^Breaking Away from Political Powers^Appointment of Salaried Managers^Promotion of Industrialization)@œCASE 6. ZENJIRO YASUDA and SOICHIRO ASANO : Zaibatsu Formation Through the Collaboration of Two Owner-Managers (General Zaibatsu and Financial/Industrial Zaibatsu^LYasuda ZenjiroL by Tsunehiko Yui^Brief Biography of Zenjiro Yasuda^Brief Biography of Soichiro Asano^Cooperation Among Owner-Managers)@œCASE 7. EIICHI SHIBUSAWA : Mobilization of Managerial Resources by an Investor-Manager (A Tumultuous Life^As an Investor-Manager^Complementary Effects Among the Three Types of Managers^As a Social Entrepreneur^As a Business Leader^As a Private-Sector Diplomat^LGapponshugiL and Its Significance Today)@œDISCUSSION POINT 2 : How Did JapanLs Economy Manage to Take Off So Early? Conditions That Enabled the First Successful Industrialization Case Among Latecomer Nations (General Requirements for Latecomer NationsL Industrialization^Unique Conditions That Made Japan the First Case of Successful Industrialization Among Latecomer Nations^Interplay Among the Three Types of Managers^Early Take-Off as the Outcome of Breakthrough Innovations^@¡PART II : THE ERA OF INCREMENTAL INNOVATION^@OVERVIEW 3 : WORLD WAR I TO THE 1980S (World War I and Economic Turmoil^The Japanese Economy Gets on a Long-Term Growth Track^The Years Leading to World War II^From High Growth to Stable Growth^Incremental Technological Innovation and LJapanese Style ManagementL)@œCASE 8. ICHIZO KOBAYASHI : A Leader in Urbanization Creates a New Industry (Urbanization and Electrification Pave the Way for a Mass Consumer Society^Housing Shortages in Osaka^Minoh-Arima Electric Railway Enters the Real Estate Business^Ichizo KobayashiLs Entrepreneurial Innovation^Kobayashi Also Contributes to Electrification)@œCASE 9. YASUZAEMON MATSUNAGA : Electrification Leader Establishes Private Sector-Led Public Utility Operations (Encounter with the Electric Power Business^Practicing LScientific ManagementL^MatsunagaLs Foresight in LPersonal Opinion on Electric Power RegulationL^The Japanese Government Imposes Controls over the Electric Power Industry^Matsunaga Leads the Reorganization of the Electric Power Industry^Two Contributing Factors to MatsunagaLs Ascent^Establishment of the LPrivate Sector-Led UtilityL Model)@œCASE 10. SABUROSUKE SUZUKI II : Commercialization of Exceptional Breakthrough Innovation (LThree Greatest Inventions in JapanL^Invention of Ajinomoto by Kikunae Ikeda^The Commercialization Effort by Saburosuke Suzuki II and Others^Saburosuke Suzuki II Before His Encounter with Ajinomoto^Conditions That Enabled AjinomotoLs Commercialization^Struggles Leading Up to AjinomotoLs Commercialization^What Made AjinomotoLs Commercialization Possible?)@œCASE 11. KIICHIRO TOYODA : From Breakthrough to Incremental Innovations (LThe Business History of the Toyoda FamilyLs Spinning and Weaving BusinessL (Toyoda-ke Boshoku Jigyo no Keiei-shi) by Hiroaki Yamazaki^Sakichi, Risaburo, and Kiichiro Toyoda^Development of the Model G Automatic Loom^Entry into Automobile Manufacturing^ToyotaLs Labor Dispute and KiichiroLs Retirement^The Toyota Production System)@œCASE 12. SHITAGAU NOGUCHI and YOSHISUKE AIKAWA : Emergence of New Konzerns and Foray into the Continent (New Konzerns^Brief Biography of Shitagau Noguchi^Brief Biography of Yoshisuke Aikawa^LYoshisuke Aikawa, Founder of NissanL by Masaru Udagawa^Expansion into the Asian Continent) @œCASE 13. SAZO IDEMITSU : LOil Merchant of the ContinentL to LHero of Native Oil CompaniesL (The Miracle of the Nissho-Maru^IdemitsuLs Overseas Expansion^Expansion into Manchuria and Delivery of Axle Oil to the South Manchuria Railway^Pursuing an LEmphasis on Overseas TerritoriesLDeployment to the South and JapanLs Defeat in World War II^Transformation into LHero of Native Oil CompaniesL)@œCASE 14. YATARO NISHIYAMA : Leader of Capital Investment Drives High Economic Growth (A Decade of Revitalization^Yet Another Miracle^Key Points of NishiyamaLs Innovativeness^The Man who Changed the History of JapanLs Steel Industry^Decision-Making with a Rational Thinking^Into the Era of High Economic Growth)@œCASE 15. KONOSUKE MATSUSHITA : Initiator of the LConsumer RevolutionL Drives High Economic Growth (The Progression of the LConsumer RevolutionL^Creation of Dedicated Distribution Networks by Home Appliance Manufacturers^LMatsushitaLs Way of Doing BusinessL as Practiced by the LGod of ManagementL^Konosuke Matsushita Before WWII^Konosuke Matsushita After WWII)@œCASE 16. MASARU IBUKA, AKIO MORITA, SOICHIRO HONDA, and TAKEO FUJISAWA : The Groundbreaking Nature of Sony and Honda Becoming Global Companies (LSony of the WorldL ; LHonda of the WorldL^Profiles of the Four Businessmen^Commonality of Their 1946 Founding and Early Product and Sales Strategies^Overseas Business Trips in 1952 and Investment for Competitiveness^Full-Scale Entry into Overseas Markets in 1963-64^Objective Conditions That Enable Innovative Entrepreneurial Activities^Subjective Factors That Enable Innovative Entrepreneurial Activities)@œCASE 17. TOSHIO DOKO : The Sense of Crisis Harbored by the LFine Physician of the Business WorldL and LMr. Administrative ReformL (Building the Foundation for LDoko the Turbine ManL^Delivery of the First Domestically Produced Turbine^Revamping the Management of Ishikawajima Shibaura Turbine^Rebuilding the Management of Ishikawajima Heavy Industries^Rebuilding ToshibaLs Management^From Keidanren Chairman to LMr. Administrative ReformL^A Sense of Crisis Harbored by Doko)@œDISCUSSION POINT 3 : HOW DID JAPANLS ECONOMY CONTINUOUSLY GROW OVER A LONG PERIOD ? CATCH-UP and DOMESTIC DEMAND (Examining Akira SuehiroLs LCatch-Up Industrialization TheoryL^Examining the World BankLs LEast Asian MiracleL^Long-Term Growth as a Result of Incremental Innovations)^@¡PART III : THE ERA OF STRUGGLE : JAPAN CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO TYPES OF INNOVATION^@ OVERVIEW 4 : JAPAN SINCE THE 1990S (The Japanese Economy Takes a Darker Turn^Japanese-Style Management Turns Dysfunctional^Investment Restraint Mechanism)@œCASE 18. KAZUO INAMORI : Managerial Renewal by a Venture Manager (Inamori Begins Kyoto Ceramic (Kyocera) as a Venture Manager^Future-Oriented Market Cultivation and Technological Development^Hourly Profit System and LAmoeba ManagementL^An Entrepreneur Who Upholds His Philosophy on Management^Founding of Daini-Denden Inc.(DDI)^Restructuring Japan Airlines)@œCASE 19. TOSHIFUMI SUZUKI : Convenience Store Innovations from Japan to the World (The Dynamism of JapanLs Retail Industry Development^Brief Biography of Toshifumi Suzuki^SuzukiLs Convenience Store Deployment Strategy^Introduction of the Franchise System^Product-by-Product Merchandise Management and LHypothesis-Testing OrderingL)@œCASE 20. TADASHI YANAI and MASAYOSHI SON : Exceptional Challenges Undertaken by the Two Risk Takers (Tadashi Yanai Before 2003^Uniqlo Kicks Off the LMade in ChinaL Era^Tadashi Yanai Since 2004^Masayoshi Son Before 2006^Masayoshi Son After 2007)@œDISCUSSION POINT 4 : WHY DID JAPANLS ECONOMY SLOW DOWN? ICT REVOLUTION and LDISRUPTIVE INNOVATIONL (Establishment of LFirst Mover AdvantageL Through the ICT Revolution^LDisruptive InnovationL in the InnovatorLs Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen^LThe InnovatorLs SolutionL and Answer to the Remaining Question)@œCONCLUSION : REVIVING INNOVATION --REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LTWO-FRONT OPERATIONL (Summary of This Book^Ways to Revive Innovation)


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