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検索結果 4841 - 4860 番目の 20件を表示
4841 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... Culture and Management in Japan (★) Shuji Hayashi University of Tokyo Press 0-86008-394-2 INGLES LA-0063
4842 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... Public Administration in Japan (★) IAS Tokyo Round Table Organizing Committ... Institute of Administrative Ma... ----- INGLES LA-0060
4843 FILOSOFIA y SOCIOLOGIA Political Change and Industrial Development in Japan (★) Thomas C. Smith Stanford University Press 0-8047-0469-4 INGLES FL-0109
4844 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... A Study of Samurai Income and Entrepreneurship (★) Kozo Yamamura Harvard University Press 0-674-85322-5 INGLES LA-0056
4845 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... Teoria Z (*) William Ouchi Ediciones Orbis 84-7530-564-4 ESPANOL LA-0055
4846 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... Theory Z (How American Business Meet the Japanese Challenge) (★) William Ouchi Addison-Wesley Publishing Comp... 0-201-05524-4 INGLES LA-0054
4847 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... Japanese and European Management (★) Edited by Kazuo Shibagaki , Malcolm Trev... University of Tokyo Press 4-13-047042-6 INGLES LA-0053
4848 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... Never Take Yes For An Answer (★) Masaaki Imai The Simul Press 3034-500254-2703 (JBC) INGLES LA-0052
4849 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... Hidden Differences (Doing Business with the Japanese) (★) Edward T. Hall, Mildred Reed Hall Anchor Press / Doubleday &... 0-385-23883-5 INGLES LA-0051
4850 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... The Panasonic Way (★) Toshihiko Yamashita (*) Kodansha International 0-87011-890-0 INGLES LA-0039
4851 MANAGEMENT & TEMAS LA... Honda Motor (The Men, The Management, The Machines) (★) Tetsuo Sakiya (*) Kodansha International 4-7700-1018-4 INGLES LA-0038
4852 HISTORIA Japanese History : 11 Experts Reflect on the Past (英語で読む日本史) (*) ----- Kodansha International 4-7700-2639-0 INGLES , JAPONES HA-0103
4853 HISTORIA El Imperio Japones (*) John Whitney Hall Siglo Veintiuno 84-323-0172-8 ESPANOL HA-0102
4854 HISTORIA Studies in the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan (★) Masao Maruyama University of Tokyo Press 4-13-027008-7 INGLES HA-0101
4855 HISTORIA Historia del Japon (*) Kaibara Yukio Fondo de Cultura Economica (Me... 968-16-5550-8 ESPANOL HA-0100
4856 HISTORIA Atlas de los Pueblos (del Asia Meridional y Oriental) Jean Sellier Paidos 84-493-1332-5 ESPANOL HA-0099
4857 HISTORIA Japanese History : 11 Experts Reflect on the Past (英語で読む日本史) (*) ----- Kodansha International 4-7700-2639-0 INGLES, JAPONES HA-0098
4858 HISTORIA Japon en el Siglo XX (De Imperio Militar a Potencia Economica) Luis E. Togores Sanchez Arcos Libros 84-7635-410-X ESPANOL HA-0097
4859 HISTORIA Japon Contemporaneo (hasta 1914) (*) Julia Moreno Garcia Ediciones Akal 84-7600-474-5 ESPANOL HA-0096
4860 HISTORIA East Asia at the Center (Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World)(★) Warren I. Cohen Columbia University Press 0-231-10109-0 INGLES HA-0095
合計 0          0

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